Friday, November 29, 2013

Journal Assignment #6 - Casablanca

1) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.

Behind Citizen Kane and The Godfather, Casablanca, according to AFI, is the #3 movie of all time. Casablanca is a “near perfect entertainment balance of comedy, romance and suspense.” Casablanca's themes play a huge role in this film. Themes of love, honor, and self-sacrifice in war. During WWII, Casablanca,(French) Morocco is a neutral territory where refugees from the war hope to get exit visas to Lisbon (and then to the United States). For it's time, Casablanca was a very important film because even the people were not sure the outcome of WWII. This is why Casablanca played a huge role in film history.

2) Find a related article and summarize the content.

In this article, IMDB shows the viewer the cast, director, writers, and the stars. Along with all this information, IMDB provides the main storyline to the film, plus trivia and goofs. Viewers to IMDB can also leave their own opinions and reviews to their page. IMDB is a great resource when you need to look up a film or if you just want to know more.

3) Apply the article to the film screened in class.

This article didn't help me too much. It only showed me things like box office, trivia, and goofs that I didn't know. I have seen this film several times prior to this class and it's one of my favorites. But, the article definitely can help someone out when they need to find out information out about the film.

4) Write a critical analysis of the film.

Casablanca is an American classic. This film for it's time was a very important one. Especially what was going on in history at that time. WWII was a pivotal point in history and Casablanca captured the essence of what was going on in other countries during wartime, especially a French Morocco. The characters were also key. The way they all interacted and knew each other prior. Rick and Ilsa had a "fling" while Ilsa's fiance was in a concentration camp. Also, Sam was a minor character, but a key character. He hid the letters of transit in this piano and he calms both Ilsa and Rick down with his piano playing, with Sam playing "A Kiss is Just a Kiss." In conclusion, Casablanca is an American classic capturing the hearts of many with the love story, plus showing people what it was like in other places during wartime. With themes like this, Casablanca will stand the test of time as one of the greatest films ever made.

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